"Be a Hero - Teach a Child to
Read" status: Scrapped
A series of PSA's (public service
announcements) designed to spark the desires of all people old or
young, busy or tired to teach children to read.
Based on a teleplay by Michael Worthen,
this series of 6 commercial screenplays will be filmed on 35 mm film
and edited for 30 and 60 second commercial psa's to be shown
nationwide beginning at the first of the year.
Producers: Danno
Nell & Jen Blaylock
Executive Producer: Muirco International
Casting by: Michelle Wright
"Descent Into Madness"
status: completed
A controversial short story about 2 teenage outsiders who have chosen
the road to destruction rather than face their problems at school.
Written & Directed by J. Daniel "Danno" Nell,
this short film premiered right here on November 1st, 2002.

"Twelve hours at a Train Station"
status: for sale
A Romantic/Comedy that is set in and around a Train
Station in Salt Lake City, Utah on Christmas Eve.
Connor Jackobsen (AKA ShakespeareInSLC) is
a 32 years old dot-com CEO who has just arrived home to find that Courtney
Williams (AKA SeattleGirl07734), his long distance internet friend, is
arriving in town from Seattle at 5:30A.M. on Christmas Eve.
The problem is Courtney doesn't really live
in Seattle. She lives in Boston and is Arriving at 5:30 P.M. Christmas Eve. Because neither one has ever
seen the other, nor do they even know the other's real name. These two people are going to
have to find each other without the modern convenience of a computer, and they only have
12 hours.
Written By: J.
Daniel "Danno" Nell

"The Road Providence"
status: For Sale
An inspiring story of two people, who have totally
devoted their lives to making this world a better place, being brought together by a
horrible accident. Causing each to take a deep look at themselves and the world around
them. Can they, through this tragedy, find life, love, and true happiness?
Dr. James Daniels is a Pediatric emergency room
physician, who turned to "saving the world" after his parents died when he was a
teenager, losing himself in the process.
Rebecca "Becky" Johnson, a 3rd grade elementary
school teacher, loves her life, would do anything for her "kids", is comfortable
with the relationship she is in. Until one night, on her way to receive a prestigious
teacher award, she makes the mistake of running a stop sign.
Both lives are changed forever, neither will ever have
the life they thought they loved, but each will have the other if only they look.
This Screenplay was written by
J. Daniel Nell and is
currently in development, awaiting production funds.
This film is expected to cost around $5 million to

"The Last Great Army",
status: For Sale |
AKA "The Stripling Warriors" |
Originally filmed in June of 1999, this
production was produced by Dreamland Productions Inc., who, due to internal problems, were
unable to complete this production.
This story takes place in ancient Central
America, around the years 60B.C.to 30B.C.. A fictional story based on the events recorded
in the Book of Mormon this story follows a young man through events that will not only
change his life, but the lives of tens of thousands of others.
Gid, our main character, must lead two thousand
sons of a great people to war in order to maintain a covenant which their fathers made
years before. Gid must not only face his past, but must also leave his new wife
behind, possibly never to return.
Written and Directed by
J. Daniel Nell, all
rights have been purchased by Envision Entertainment.
This production is currently in development.
Due to the original length, this script is currently being re-written by Mr. Nell to
bring the length from an approximated film length of 3 hours 20 minutes, to under 130
This project will be filmed in 70
mm on
location in the tropical Hawaiian Islands in 2003-2004.

Projects In Development

"Extinction 65M"
Extinction 65M is a Sciencefiction/Thriller spanning 65 million
Currently in development, this Sciencefiction/Thriller asks the
age old question, "What killed the giant creatures that once ruled earth 65 million
years ago?"
Col. John Williamson has spent a majority of his life creating and
destroying the most deadly viruses known to man kind. But nothing would prepare him
for what he would find 65 million years before man walked the face of the earth.
This timetravel thriller brings together some of the most
fascinating subject matter found in our culture today. Timetravel, Dinosaurs, killer
virus's, and giant asteroids.
All must be faced before the world will be safe from
"Extinction 65M".
"Cooking with the Boyz"
A unique television series often described as
"The mans show™ meets Emeril Live™". This unique cooking show
designed for guys, by guys. Complete with custom kitchen, a panel of guests
every show and Butch the dog.
"We have created Cooking with the Boyz to not only
show that guys can cook, but also to provide other information that informs
and entertains. Our panel of guests is designed to inform both men
and women of all ages." - Danno Nell, Producer;
Ronnie Hale, Creator
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